Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hello 2015!

As the New Year approaches we start to discuss resolutions.  What can we do in the new year to improve ourselves?  Most people, myself included resolve to lose weight and make themselves healthier in the new year.  I'm sure like many others I set myself up for disappointment and failure, only to find myself a few weeks in and beating myself up about setbacks and missteps.  While I strive to be healthier too I will not put such a huge focus on it in a resolution.

This year I am resolving to be different.  No more resolutions where I end up beating myself up.  This year will be all about New. New experiences, new adventures and new outlooks.

As a family of 7 we find ourselves discussing things that we would like to do, go here, go there, see this and try that.  But life seems to get in the way and those new experiences don't take center stage.  In 2015 those experiences will be in the forefront for our family.  We have decided to try one new thing each week in 2015.  We can do it together as a family, just as a couple (Mike and I) or individually.  It can be as simple as trying new foods or a new restaurant to something much more elaborate.  We've been brainstorming and have come up with some really great things we want to do.

I am going to keep a weekly diary of this here.  For us to look back on at the end of the year and to share with others along the way.  52 weeks is a long time and we may run into a drought for ideas.  Have a suggestion?  Comment here and let us know.  We may use it in one of our weeks.  And if more than one idea comes up for a week....we may do two.  Nothing wrong with experiencing more new things.

I'm looking forward to this adventure with my family.  I think it will teach all of us to step out of comfort zones and put new experiences first.  I can't wait to see all the things we will end up doing together.