Thursday, January 29, 2015

Letting it all go.

Another week of celebrations!  I'll admit that January is a very celebration heavy month in our family.  First we celebrate our twins birthday, then our wedding anniversary.  Lastly we celebrate my birthday...and that's what this week brings us.

We celebrated my 39th by going to Le Nordik Spa in Chelsea Quebec.  A full day of lazing in saunas and hot tubs.  How perfect! I have wanted to go to this spa since moving to this area ten years ago.  Now was my time!

Our day started off with a quick bite of tapas and beer in the restaurant.  It really was a perfect way to start our afternoon and just enough food to tide us over until the wonderful dinner we had planned.  Once lunch was done we headed out to the outdoor pools and saunas.  Our first was the Kalor Whirlpool.  As we sat in the warm water, jets working out sore muscles in my back the snow began to fall from the sky.  It was picture perfect.  -3 temperatures in the air but the tubs were so warm.

I'll admit something here.  Although it was beautiful and a very romantic setting I couldn't let go.  People around me were irritating me and there was something in me that just couldn't enjoy it.  Control.  I couldn't give up control and just let myself enjoy the experience, go with the flow, ride it out.

I followed Mike from the Vaporo steam saunas to the Iceber pools.  And yes, it is exactly how it sounds. Get all hot and sweaty in the saunas while breathing in the smell of Eucalyptus or Orange and then run outside and jump into a freezing cold pool.  It was truly exhilarating.

For three hours we went from one pool or sauna to another. We explored the grounds and took in the beauty of the Gatineau Hills.  As we floated around the Nakyma Panoramic Pool I realized I was totally and completely relaxed.  I had let go and had let the experience take over.  It was amazing.  It was invigorating.  It was exhausting.  To be that relaxed and to really let go was hard for me but it was exactly what I needed.  What we needed.

For a couple years now I have wanted to go to Mill St Brew Pub for dinner.  With a gift certificate from my in laws in my hot little hands off we went for supper after the spa.  With its rustic charm and exposed wood beams it was the perfect place to sit back, enjoy a beer flight and watch the Seahawks/Packers game.

If this day was any indication of how my year as a 39 yr old will go, I think it's going to be pretty fabulous!  Thank you again to Mike who is always thoughtful and knows how to make special days extra special.


After last weeks Para Sailing experience I was quite happy to take this week a little slower....keep my feet on the ground. This week we celebrated our eight year wedding anniversary.  At first we didn't have any plans.  Not really many things to do on a Tuesday night when you have children, homework and all else that goes with having a busy family.

As always my thoughtful husband was on his game and arranged for us to have dinner at a restaurant.  We had always talked about going to La Cucina but have never gotten around to it.  Now's the time! I was looking forward to going somewhere that didn't have a kids menu and crayons on the table.  This restaurant was quiet and romantic. 

We decided that in the spirit of new experiences we would choose things on the menu that we had not eaten before.  We started off with Arancini an Italian style rice balls stuffed with cheese and pomodoro sauce .  They were excellent.  For his main entree Mike had the Chicken Parm.  Nothing new here as it's one of his favourite items on a restaurant menu.  For me, I chose new.  I had the Veal Marsala.  For me this was a big deal as I never eat anything baby.  I have to admit....I've been missing out.  This was delicious!!  So tender and tasty, full of flavour.  I will open my mind up more to the possibilities of meat like this, and others from now on.

As a self proclaimed beer snob I was looking forward to trying the Birra Moretti.  I have to say that it fell flat for me.  Those looking for a lighter beer will enjoy this but I prefer a fuller bodied beer.

We finished off our night and this wonderful meal with Sicilian Cannoli.  Cannoli are tube-shaped shells of pastry dough, filled with a sweet, creamy ricotta cheese filling.  These ones were made perfectly and were delicious!

Week #3 may have been low key but it was extremely special to me.  I was able to celebrate my marriage to the best guy a girl could ask for. Happy Anniversary Baby!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Sky's the Limit!

When we first started thinking about doing our 52 weeks of new I had a trip to Mexico already planned. I knew exactly what I would do for my week while in Mexico.

I was going Para sailing!

This sounded so exciting!  So fun!  So-not-me!   Since having children the roller coaster riding, airplane loving person I once was has disappeared.  The whole point of this project is to step out of our comfort zones and to show my children that we really can do anything we want....even if it scares us.

I was in Mexico for Scentsy Leadership and I traveled without my husband.  So this was all on me.  Oh me and my big mouth!

On Friday of last week at 8:30am just before we needed to leave for the airport to come home we headed to the beach.  I had recruited another Scentsy Sister to do this with me. Paola was excited and got my excitement going.  At the resort we were at you need to have two people to go up at once.  The seat looked like a chairlift from a ski hill.

The boat took us a little off from shore and they took the parachute out and the high winds swept it up into the sky easily.  We were helped into the chair and before I knew it we were being lifted in the air.  That's when my panic set in.  I asked where the seat belt seat belt.  NO SEAT BELT!!??
At that point I wanted to wave my arms like the driver had instructed us to if we wanted to end the ride.  But I didn't.  I knew I had to experience this no matter how much my right leg twitched from nervousness or how white my hand was from squeezing the bar so I wouldn't fall out. For the record I couldn't have fallen out.  The force of the wind going through the chute pushes you back making it nearly impossible to lean forward.

For 15 minutes we were taken along the coast.  We looked out over the ocean and saw waves breaking on the reef.  We looked across Cancun and saw the city rising up in the distance.  It was so quiet.  It was just Paola and I alone above the earth...way above.

Before the ride had started our driver asked if we wanted to get wet at the end.  Not knowing what that entailed our answer was "sure, sign us up!"  As the ride was coming to an end we started talking about the logistics of getting wet while we were still so high up.  As we were brought in we started to form an idea of how this was going to play out.

I'm not exactly sure how high were were from the water but I'm going to guess 20-30 feet.  The boat stopped and we free fell into the COLD water.  What a rush!  It was so cool.  Great way to end the ride....but wait!  He started the boat again and up we went.  He dropped us again.  HAHA!  That was fun....cheque please!   He started the boat up again and I realized we were going to be dunked for a third time.  I really wanted to wave my arms and call it quits, but I didn't.  The third dunk really was the most fun.  It was also a cue that the ride was over.  Get me on that boat!

As we took the quick ride back to shore we laughed at how great the whole experience was.  Sure, I can say that now...I'm on the boat and not being dragged behind it!

I thank Paola for coming along with me on this experience.  It really was a rush and a great time.  Would I do it again?  Uhm, why do I need to?  I've already experienced it, thanks!  Also, a big Thank You to Jennifer who watched us safely from shore and took pictures for us.  You were our cheerleader and we appreciate it!

In our decision to do 52 new things this year we knew some would be simple and some would be a little over the top.  I chose to do Para sailing this week because it really scared me.  I had to give up control and those who know me, know....I hate giving up control.  It also taught me that I control my fears and if I let it be the other way around I might miss out on some really cool experiences.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Road Trip!

We started January 1st and our 52 weeks of new with a road trip.   To our family road trips are nothing new.  This one was different though.   This was our first ever out of town hockey tournament for Carter.  What was even more different is that we only took Carter on this road trip.   That's right. For 48 hours Carter was an only child.

If you had asked me a few months ago if I was looking forward to this the answer was no.  I wasn't even looking forward to my child being in hockey.  That has all changed now and we eagerly packed up to head to Brockville Ontario to (very loudly) cheer our team on.

We may not have won a game, but those boys played with all their heart.  We were so proud of them and how they game together.  They bonded on and off the ice.  Carter made new friendships that will last past the season.

We parents made friendships too.  We all have the common bond of our children playing hockey but we really do have the best group of parents who all have a great time in and out of the arena.  I now understand the desire to play hockey a little more after this weekend.  The whole experience sucks you in and no matter how you try to stop it you get swept up in the excitement of watching your favourite players on the ice.  Forget those hockey greats in the NHL.  My hockey great wears #12 and is only 7 yrs old.